How the Internet Keeps Messages Safe and Untampered

How the Internet Keeps Messages Safe and Untampered

In today’s fast-paced digital world, billions of messages travel across the internet every day. Whether it's an email, a file, or a transaction, keeping these messages safe and unchanged during transmission is essential. To ensure this, experts use a variety of techniques to protect the integrity of information sent online:

  1. Checksums: A checksum is a small numerical value created from the message's data. Before a message is sent, a checksum is generated. When the message arrives, the receiver calculates their own checksum. If the two don’t match, the message was likely altered.
  2. Hashing: Hashing uses more complex algorithms to create a unique digital "fingerprint" for each message. This allows the receiver to verify if any part of the message has changed during its journey.
  3. Digital Signatures: These are like online signatures, verifying that a message is from the correct sender. If a digital signature is missing or incorrect, the message might not be trustworthy.
  4. Encryption: Encryption scrambles a message into unreadable code, which only the intended recipient can decode. This protects the message from tampering while it’s being transmitted.
  5. Error-Detection Codes: These codes are added to messages to catch any errors that might occur during transmission. If errors are detected, the message can be corrected or resent.

These techniques help ensure that online messages remain secure and unchanged as they travel the internet.

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